Budgeting & School Finance
The Five (5) Year Forecast is viewed by the District as a key management tool and method of communicating financial issues facing the District. The Five Year Forecast is also used to ensure operational expenditures are within operational resources when preparing the annual budget.
Generally, in February of each year, the Treasurer collaborates with the Superintendent, department directors and building principals to prepare a detailed budget. The Treasurer also collaborates with the Executive Director of Human Capital to determine the financial impact of staffing adjustments that will be necessary to continue providing the level of service expected by the families, students and community members while maintaining fiscal solvency.
The combined annual appropriation budget is represented in the five year forecast to represent the long range fiscal impact of data driven decisions which will be implemented in the following school year. A comparison of the budget to the Five Year Forecast is reviewed and approved monthly by the Board of Education.
The Treasurer uses the Spending Plan and the Appropriation Budget to monitor the current year financial position.
The Spending Plan is a monthly comparison of the Appropriation Budget to the Five Year Forecast. Significant variances between the estimated monthly expenditures represented by the Spending Plan and the Appropriation Budget are described in the monthly report that is approved by the Board of Education.
The Appropriation Budget is approved by the Board of Education in June of the current fiscal year for the subsequent fiscal year and certified by the County Auditor to be within estimated resources. The Appropriation Budget represents the estimated expenditures in the five year forecast on a more detailed level. The Appropriation Budget is amended periodically throughout the year to re-allocate resources as necessary within the categories represented in the Five Year Forecast.
Popular Annual Financial Report
SCSD Budget Cyclical Process

The SCSD Budget Process is cyclical, beginning in February with budget discussions for next school year and concluding in November when the Board approves the Five Year Forecast.