Operations Manager Safety and Security Phone: 937-505-2826 or 937-505-2828 Email: lyledc@scsdoh.org

Safety & Security
The Springfield City School District's first priority will always be the safety and security of its students and staff. Since 2022, the District has invested over $1.5 million in security upgrades to its buildings to maintain that priority. The SCSD Board of Education recently passed a resolution that solidifies this commitment to safety and security in the coming years. A few examples of the District’s recent investments made include:
Providing first responders with 24/7 access to buildings and housing additional equipment at SCSD buildings that may be needed in a crisis situation.
Replacing all District cameras on a rotating basis and adding cameras to hallways that do not currently have a camera as well as outside area dead spots.
Upgrading safety software to communicate faster with first responders.
Continuing to participate in a community-based violence reduction committee to investigate and implement a research-based violence prevention program.
The District has financed a large portion of these projects through various grant funds.
Please see the additional resources to the left of this page for other ways the District is promoting student safety.