TWO HOUR EARLY RELEASE: Due to an updated severe weather forecast by the Clark County Emergency Management Agency, our schools and buses will be released TWO HOURS early on Tuesday, April 2, 2024. Springfield High School will release at 12:00 pm, the elementary school will release at 1:00 pm and the middle school will release at 1:45 pm. All after school activities, practices, games, and events are canceled. The District apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause for families.
10 months ago, Springfield City School District
Featured on this month's episode of Cat Chat: The Official Podcast of the Springfield City School District -- Perrin Woods Elementary, Featured Alumni Stephen Massey & City Commissioners Krystal Brown (Phillips) and Tracey Tackett. Watch on YouTube at or listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or iHeart Radio Podcasts!
10 months ago, Springfield City School District
Cat Chat Podcast Image
Reminder: Spring Break begins tomorrow! There is no school Monday, March 25-Friday, March 29. Classes resume on Monday, April 1. Enjoy your time off, Wildcats!
10 months ago, Springfield City School District
The Springfield City School District is excited to introduce a Spanish-English Dual Language Program for the 2024-2025 school year. This new opportunity will be housed at Perrin Woods Elementary. Kindergarten and first grade students will have the privilege to learn both English and Spanish while at school! If you would like your incoming kindergarten or first grade student to learn to speak, read and write in both English and Spanish this program is for you!
10 months ago, Perrin Woods Elementary
The SCSD is offering a Dual Language Program to Kindergarten and first grade students for the 2024-2025 school year. Interested families should express their interest for the program in FinalForms.
The SCSD is offering a Dual Language Program to Kindergarten and first grade students for the 2024-2025 school year. Interested families should express their interest for the program in FinalForms.
The SCSD will be CLOSED Monday, March 18. Please reference the email or all-call that were sent out earlier this evening for additional details. All activities, practices, games and events will be held as scheduled unless otherwise stated by noon on Monday. We apologize for any inconvenience that this closure may cause.
10 months ago, Springfield City School District
This week at Perrin Woods - March 4 - March 8, 2024. We kicked off the week with iced cookies to celebrate meeting our math goal with collaborative learning in February, we had a great speaker share about getting through tough times, and we enjoyed perfect attendance lunch with the principal. We closed off the week on international Women's Day with a great new mural created by our fifth and sixth grade girls! Jump over to the SCSD app or our website to check out pictures from the week!
11 months ago, Perrin Woods Elementary
Women of History Mural
Cookie Icing
Cookie Icing
Speakers Bureau
Black History Projects
March breakfast and lunch menus are now available online and in the SCSD app! To view in the app: Choose your child's building from the 'Schools' button in the bottom right corner. Then select 'Menu' in the bottom left corner and choose 'Dining' where you can view the menu for each day of the month. To view at Choose the 'Services' tab at the top of the webpage > Food & Nutrition > Menus.
11 months ago, Springfield City School District
This week at Perrin Woods, February 5 - February 9, 2024 : Our kindergarteners showed off some of the amazing work they have done at literacy stations. We have also started some great hallway displays for our Black History Month studies.
12 months ago, Perrin Woods Elementary
We rise by lifting others
First Grade bulletin board
Kindergarten writing
kindergarten play do words
kindergarten board words
Perrin Woods First Graders Celebrated the 100th Day of School! What a great group of leaders!
12 months ago, Perrin Woods Elementary
Students string cereal
Students make words
Student in 100 hat
Student with treat bag
Our February Perrin Parent Press is available with updates for the coming month. Please check your email for links or you can find these in documents tab on the Perrin Woods Website. We are excited to share all the great things happening at Perrin Woods. We look forward to seeing everyone for parent teacher conferences this month!
12 months ago, Perrin Woods Elementary
February breakfast and lunch menus (including Clark ELC & SOI) are now available online and in the SCSD app! To view in the app: Choose your child's building from the 'Schools' button in the bottom right corner. Then select 'Menu' in the bottom left corner and choose 'Dining' where you can view the menu for each day of the month. To view at Choose the 'Services' tab at the top of the webpage > Food & Nutrition > Menus.
12 months ago, Springfield City School District
This week at Perrin Woods - January 22 - 26, 2024: Mr. James Cooper spoke to our 4th-6th grade students about the importance of having a plan and a way to accomplish what we want with our lives. Our 7 Habits Tree has gotten very full with more and more handprints from our students learning all 7 Habits. From 6th Grader Jada-Lynn Walden - We began reading Ramayana Divine Loophole, the author of the book follows his culture of Hinduism. He decided to write an easier version of the Ramayana. The characters we have met so far are Vishnu - a god, Rama is the human avatar of Vishnu and Ravana is the demon Rama will battle.
12 months ago, Perrin Woods Elementary
James Cooper speaks to students
Student Handprint
Student - Ramayana text
January's episode of Cat Chat: The Official Podcast of the Springfield City School District is available now! Watch here on YouTube: or listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or iHeart Radio Podcasts.
about 1 year ago, Springfield City School District
Cat Chat Podcast Logo
Any SCSD student in grades 6-11 who is interested in taking College Credit Plus courses during the 2024-25 school year is invited to attend an information session during Springfield High School's Open House night on Jan. 25. The session will begin at 5:30 P.M. in the SHS library. This is a great opportunity to earn college credit while still in school!
about 1 year ago, Springfield City School District
Due to current road conditions and incoming snowfall, the SCSD will be CLOSED on Friday, January 19, 2024.
about 1 year ago, Springfield City School District
Due to potentially dangerous wind chill values and the high number of student walkers, the SCSD will be CLOSED on Wednesday, January 17, 2024. All activities, practices, games and events will be held as scheduled, unless otherwise stated by 12:00 PM. Stay safe, Wildcats!
about 1 year ago, Springfield City School District
Due to inclement weather conditions, the SCSD will be CLOSED on Tuesday, January 16, 2024. The Clark Center Administrative offices will operate on a normal work schedule. All activities, practices, games and events will be held as scheduled, unless otherwise stated by 12:00 PM. We apologize for any inconvenience that this closure may cause. Stay safe, Wildcats!
about 1 year ago, Springfield City School District
All three SCSD middle schools are working with EF Tours to offer a middle school trip to Panama in the summer of 2025! This trip would be open to current 6th grade students. There will be an informational meeting on January 25 at 5:30 PM for interested 6th grade students and families at Hayward Middle School. Please use this link to RSVP for the meeting or request more information:
about 1 year ago, Springfield City School District
This week at Perrin Woods January 8 - January 12, 2024. We kicked off our Speakers Bureau with Officer Amanda Jackson. Our theme: Tough times don't last - Tough People do! Officer Jackson shared an inspiring message with our 4th-6th grade students. She reminded us to live by our values and to make choices by asking ourselves "Who do you want to be, how do you want to be remembered?"
about 1 year ago, Perrin Woods Elementary
Student Assembly
Speakers Bureau
Reminder: Classes resume Wednesday, Jan. 3. We can't wait to see you back at school, Wildcats!
about 1 year ago, Springfield City School District