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Welcome from the Administrative Team . . .

We welcome you to Springfield High School (SHS). SHS is proud to be an Ohio STEM school and International Baccalaureate World School. We lead our region in offering students engaging opportunities to learn and prepare for success in and after high school. Our students can earn college credit – for free – via International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, Project Lead the Way sequences, and College Credit Plus options. They can explore their interests with an astounding array of elective courses. They can participate in multiple athletic teams, music, drama, art, and many student service organizations. They can build their college and career readiness in many ways, including participation in our successful internship program.

Springfield High School serves the educational needs of a diverse student population. Students attending Springfield High School have the unique benefit of one of the state’s newest and finest learning institutions with all the advantages of the most modern schools in the nation.

As you may know, the community has met in regular forums to improve school climate, student conduct and academic achievement. The staff of Springfield High School have worked to develop new ways of teaching and to improve our knowledge of the most effective methods for improving academic achievement. We expect every student to achieve at the highest levels.

This handbook serves to help each student understand the rules and procedures by which school abides. Please remember as you read this handbook, that rules and consequences may change as may be necessary and appropriate. Changes made to the handbook will be announced in our newsletters and on the school website. We look forward to another great year at Springfield High School.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to call the school at 937-505-4320, and we will be happy to help you.

High School Entrance


7:00 A.M. Cafeteria Doors Open
7:00 A.M. – 7:15 A.M. Free Breakfast
7:20 A.M. – 2:10 P.M. Class Hours


Lead Principal

Lisa Cunningham

Administrative Assistant

Christina Montgomery

Katelyn Moore

Lead Administrators

Chad Kaltenbach

Tim McKinney

Tyler Wallin

Athletic Department

Michael Dellapina

Lee Ann Ballard

Deans of Students

Phil Laskey


Jeff Brown

Amanda Dabrowski

Jill Dunsmore

Georgia Huntsman

Nichole Lovins


701 East Home Road
Springfield, Ohio 45503
Office (937)-505-4320
FAX (937) 342-4110