
Snowhill School Building


8:00 A.M. – 8:25 A.M. Free Breakfast
8:30 A.M. – 3:02 P.M. Class Hours


Kellie Berlean

Robbyn Clayborne
Student Support Facilitator 

Lynne Dennis

Lakeisha Stierhoff

531 W Harding Road
Springfield, Ohio 45504
Office  (937) 505-4410 
FAX (937) 505-2916

Welcome from the Principal . . .

It is my pleasure to WELCOME EVERYONE to Snowhill Elementary. As the Principal, I want to express how important your child and his or her successes are to me. Your involvement is vital in helping us educate every child that walks through our doors. As parents, you are the heart and soul of your child. As educators, we provide the platform to build their knowledge and skills; together we can provide the foundation for their successful future.

Education is the process by which every individual attains knowledge and achieves personal growth. The purpose of education is to provide every individual with the skills that enable them to compete, contribute, and meet the challenges in a changing complex society. Education is a community endeavor. All children can learn and have intrinsic worth and unique value. Children should have the opportunity to reach their maximum potential. Higher expectations produce the potential for higher results. As children experience life’s changes, they grow.

At Snowhill Elementary School, we nurture young minds in a supportive and positive atmosphere so that one day all students may accomplish their dreams. Please know that I believe in open communication between the school and community. I feel collaboration among all of the stakeholders in the school and community is crucial to providing a safe, supportive environment that promotes academic excellence in teaching and learning. Together we can encourage our students to use critical thinking to become lifelong learners and productive citizens.

Anytime that I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to stop by, phone or email me – my door is always open.